Service to honor the ancestors Panjalu, so far Panjalu ordinary citizens carry the seed of such a traditional ceremony called Nyangku. This event is held on each month Maulud way to clean Alitbenda-Earth objects, inheritance stored in a special place (such as museums), which is called Earth Alit.
Tourism activities that can be performed here include: homeland beset boating, fishing, camping, and so forth.
Tourism object is located in the Village / District Panjalu with a distance of approximately 41 km from the town of Ciamis arat to the north.

On this site we can see places of heritage from former legends Ciung Wanara, a son of Sanghyang Permanadikusumah.
Defection-defection are:

2. Continuation Chicken, the chicken fight Ciung Wanara with Bondan Sarati.
3. Sanghyang BedilBatu Panyandaan
4. Symbol liturgy
5. Source Water Citeguh and Cirahayu
6. Makam Adipati Panaekan
7. Pamangkonan
8. Stone Panyandaan
9. Patimuan
10. Leuwi Sipatahunan the baby Ciung Wanara discarded in the River Citanduy.
Located in the Village Karangkamulyan District Cijeungjing, approximately 16 km from the town of Ciamis to the East, with the facility. Ground parking, food kiosk, Kiosk, Rest Area.

Here are some marked stone fruit (Prasasti) which is intended cikap evidence that the existence of the Sunda kingdom made in the government Prabu noetic Wastu Kencana.
One of the stones are marked with "Mahayunan swing Kadatuan" that serve as the motto fighting Ciamis district.
Besides stones inscription there are also other form of heritage:

2. Stone hand and foot with a foot fracture garisBatu-cracked, and described the dismantling of (calendar).
3. Three stone menhir:
a. Stone Panyandaan
b. Stone Panyandangan
c. Stone Pamuruyan (tool for mirror)

Located in the Village Sandingtaman District Panjalu, approximately 35 km north of the city Ciamis direction.
To go to this tourism object can use the two-wheeled vehicles and four wheel bike for mountaint or that have a cycling hobby. For you who need a public vehicle, you can ride from the terminal Kawali Panjalu Ciamis department, or directly from Bandung via Panjalu Ciamis department.

Tourism object is located in the Village Tunggilis District Kalipucang along the right path toward Pangandaran province, with the rare ± 72 km from the town of Ciamis

Located in the Village Karangpaningal District Purwaharja, exactly the way the left side of the city Banjar province, approximately 24 km east of the city Ciamis, visitors can conduct activities fishing, boating and water cycling, and camping

Along the road from the gate to the location, you will enjoy the coolness teak forest with natural rhythm
Not only that, in some part of this street akan dihidangkan beach panorama at a distance with latarAkomodasi Beach Karangnini sagara Anakan back.
Truly an unforgettable scene that if you come at the time of fine weather.
Before reaching the beach you will see Pondok Wisata, which is managed by Perhutani Ciamis District. You some type that you can select. With rates / night that you can compete Ninibersantai Coral Beach keluaga together to enjoy a quiet natural atmosphere with stunning panoramic beach.
This unfold on the beach rocks that resembles one of a grandmother (nini in Sundanese), which is awaiting the grandfather, so this place called the Beach Karangnini.

Located in the Village Ciputrapinggan, ± 85 km from the town of Ciamis

* Sloping beach with crystal clear water and the distance between the ebb tide and relatively long allowing us to swim with White sand
* There is a beach with white sand carpet
* There is a team savior coast tour
* Street environment with asphalt and adequate street lighting
There are gardens to the sea fish and sea life that mesmerize.

Party intent sea Event international tourism, which is always carried out here is a Researcher in the Festival International
(Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities that we can see each month in June or July.

1 another corner of the beach and Car park wide
2. Hotel, restaurant, lodging, tourist cottages with fariate rate
3. Postal services, telecommunications and the money changer,
4. Cinema, discotheque
5. Guide and the Tourism Information Center,
6. Earth camp,
7. Bicycle tires and rental pool,
8. Parasailing and jetski.

Objects in this tour than the visitor can enjoy the natural beauty also make a recreational canoe, fishing and camping.
Facilities that are willing to pull the form of food and beverage and tourism cottages.

Blowing winds accompany the beach when we release a view to the ocean or the paving of the east coast go to Pangandaran.

Although you can not swim because ombaknya big enough, you can still walk on the beach enjoying simbahan foam butih that come with pounding waves Batuhiu.
Do not forget to bring as a souvenir gift for the family at home that you can get in Batuhiu.

A sloping beach with calm water sea blue you to immediately enjoy the swimming water is fresh.
You can enjoy a quiet atmosphere with the breeze enjoying the meal in the restaurant are available. Views to the offshore end of the horizon to give you quietness and a fun holiday memories.
at Batukaras that can be done in addition to swimming, including: boating on the river, camping and surfing.
If your holiday with the family, the accommodation has been available to you, there is a hut tour with playing arena and house of worship. Pondok tourism is managed directly by Diparda District Ciamis.
Other facilities available include: Hotel, Camping Ground, Kiosk souvenir, rented a surfboard and ban swimming.
* Beach of Keusik Luhur

Sea waves on the sand to the reef so that the people who pitched it Keusikluhur (keusik = sand, sterling = high).
Tourism object is located in the Village District Kertamukti with distance Cimerak ± 45 km from Pangandaran to the south
* Cukang Taneuh (Green Canyon)

This tourism object is a river Cijulang that penetrate caves stalaktif with the glamor and stalaknit and diapit by two hills with rocks and trees rimbunnya natural attraction that presents the unique and challenging.
At the mouth of the cave there is a waterfall Palatar objects in the atmosphere so this tour is so cool. Activities that can be made of them rock climbing (rock climbing), swimming, canoe while fishing.
To reach the location of this tourist boat that can use widely available in Central Ciseureuh, paste both the boat and paddle boats.
This tourism object near the object degan tour Batukaras and Flying Field Nusawiru.

This tourism object has a unique, where the river water Citumang very clear cut in coral caves so that visitors can swim in the waterfalls, the forest in which there are many caves.

The situation is still virgin nature allows us to relax while doing recreational activities such as fishing, camping and enjoying the beauty of nature while hunting fish and small marine snail.

To reach this location can go by road from the village or the fery Emplak of Art Malingklak or Santolo.
Tourism object in the background this Nusakambangan Island, visitors can conduct activities such as fishing, camping, yacht and see the traditional fishing activities with a variety of activities.

This place is Art fery ship or yacht to the port of Cilacap and is expected to be a means for supporting development in the area of South Ciamis.

Located in the Village Masawah District Cimerak ± 131 km from the town of Ciamis to the south. Can be reached with the various types of vehicles.

Airfield this function in addition to tourism sector will also have more value for the development of development in various sectors such as fisheries, agriculture, transportation and sports activities kedirgantaraan.
Run away along with the 1400 x 30 meters, the airport is suitable didarati by similar aircraft CN-235.
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